Luxury tented safaris are the best way to experience authentic African safaris


Tented Safari

Tented safaris are lodgings in a tented accommodation range from affordable to luxurious, depending on the lodge. The lodges are located near scenic areas with abundant wildlife grazing nearby or where animals congregate during the day. As a result, guests can view wild game up close without venturing far into the bush. Many lodges even have their bathing systems or plunge pools, providing additional comfort when it’s hot outside.

For many people, staying in a tented safari camp is a dream! Most vacationers love to stay in tented safari lodges because it allows them to connect with the wilderness and enjoy the great outdoors. You’ll hear the animals, breathe fresh air, and immerse yourself in the surroundings. You’ll get a 24-hour safari experience from these types of lodges. They’re best suited for those who want a lower-cost option and enjoy an adventurous camping experience with maximum facilities.

Tented Safari

In many cases, staying in tented safari lodges, you can also take advantage of other opportunities for adventure. For example, some lodges adjacent to the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya offer night drives after sunset. These drives provide an outstanding opportunity to view wildlife in their home environment and observe them as though you were there.

Luxury tented safari offers excellent service. The staff is attentive, providing gourmet meals and drinks. The tents are fully kitted out with comfortable beds and en-suite bathrooms with 24-hour running water. It could be the top choice for people who want to feel connected to the wilderness but enjoy pampered luxuries. A luxury tented safari is a great choice if you’re looking for excellent access to the wildebeest migration in East Africa.

Tented Safari


When you plan a safari, location is essential. Tented camps are incredibly safe places to stay if you follow basic safety precautions and listen to your tent operator. In addition, the level of accommodation and price it provides are significant factors that entice people to explore the East African safari. These camps are ideal for people who like to access the best locations, plan to spend most of their time between the wildlife, and appreciate comfort without sacrificing extra luxuries.

This article is written by Drunken Elephant Mara, owner of a modest safari-tented camp in Maasai Mara. She makes sure that her clients have a sublime accommodation experience amidst the wildlife.