Indicators That You’re Electrical Panel May Not Be Enough for Your Needs


The electrical panel in your home is one of the most important parts of the system. It’s what distributes electricity throughout your house and keeps everything running smoothly. If your panel isn’t up to snuff, it can cause a lot of problems—especially if you’re trying to add new pieces of equipment or appliances to your home that require more power than what your current panel can handle.

If you’re trying to figure out whether your electrical panel is adequate for your needs, keep an eye out for these signs.

1. it’s older than 30 years. If your electrical panel was installed before 1990, it’s possible it was designed to meet the standards of that time and not today’s higher standards.

2. It has a breaker limit of 200 amps or less. Most modern panels have a breaker limit of 250 amps or more, which means they can handle larger loads without tripping the circuit.

3. You have more than one circuit in use at once. If you have more than one circuit in use at once (for example, if you’re running an appliance on a 15-amp circuit while simultaneously using another appliance on the same circuit), then there’s no way your panel can handle all that power without tripping a breaker or blowing a fuse—and you risk an electrical fire or other serious damage to your property!

4.Increased bills: If you find yourself paying more than usual for electricity or gas, that might be an indication that your current panel isn’t equipped for high-use appliances like air conditioners or heaters.

5. Frequent power outages: If your home experiences frequent blackouts or brownouts that might mean there’s not enough power coming into the house, which could be due to inadequate wiring or an antiquated panel.

These are all signs that your electrical panel isn’t adequate for your needs. If this sounds familiar, you may want to consider an electrical panel upgrade. When you have an electrical panel upgrade, it’s important to have it done by a professional contractor. A licensed electrician can help you choose the best system for your home or business and make sure that the installation is done correctly. They’ll also be able to install any necessary safety features that are required by law in your area. A professional contractor has years of experience working with electrical systems and knows what safety precautions must be taken during every phase of the project.