How Health Care Agencies Are Trying To Offer the Benefit of Home Care Even During the Covid-19 Pandemic


Home health care has gained utmost importance during this COVID-19 pandemic and health care agencies are trying their level best to offer the benefits achievable.

During this chronic condition, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, home health care has gained increased importance among families with seniors and having the need for care. The primary objective of offering care by the reputed agencies associated with health care in Bloomfield, CT, has remained the same even during this pandemic.

To ensure that they can still offer the benefits of home health care to their clients and maintain their clients’ and caregivers’ safety, Bloomfield’s health care agencies remain updated about COVID-19.

They understand that it is a time of anxiety for families with seniors requiring home health care. Keeping this in mind, they like to work together with their clients to offer the advantages of home health care. Below we discuss some of the steps that reputed agencies are undertaking while providing home health care.

Steps taken by health care agencies to offer the best of care during the COVID-19 pandemic

In Bloomfield, CT reputed home care agency has undertaken various steps to offer professional, safe, and effective services to their clients during this COVID-19 pandemic. Let us know those so that we have no confusion regarding the services we can get in a safe manner.

  1. Staying up-to-date:

They have a keen eye on the alerts issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and Medicare (CMS). The vigil of theirs helps their existing and new clients to have home care in a safe way.

  1. Health screening:

They regularly check-in with their caregivers about their health and monitor their contacts and travel. If they find any of the caregivers to show any symptoms of COVID-19 infection like fever, feeling cold, coughing, or sneezing, they have checked by physicians. Until it is that, they do not have any infections; they are not offered any duty.

  1. Protective pieces of equipment:

The health care agencies make it possible for all their caregivers to have an adequate supply of protective equipment. They never allow a caregiver to visit a patient without wearing a face mask and gloves. They have strictly directed their caregivers to discard face masks and gloves after a single-use. They even supply hand sanitizers and soaps so that their caregivers can sanitize their hands at regular intervals.

  1. Staying in touch:

Health care agencies remain in constant touch with their caregivers and clients. If, at any point, they feel that there is any concern with offering continuous health care to their clients, they ensure the removal of such hindrances. They are as always transparent and try their level best to address and solve individual concerns.

  1. Advice to their clients

They ensure their caregivers advise their clients to have detailed information about their visitors before they meet in person. If the visitors have a history of travel in the recent past or show any signs of COVID-19 infection, they advise avoiding any physical meeting. They urge their patients to maintain social distance and depend on telecommunication to stay in touch with others.

Following these steps, they ensure that they can still offer the professional home care they always endeavor to provide.

They ensure that they can offer the best of Connecticut senior home care for aging members who have Alzheimer’s, dementia, and requiring post-operation