How germs spread at the workplace and who is the right person to remove it


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Viruses, germs, and bacteria are accumulating on surfaces around the workplace. It gets spread by airborne transmission. Germs thrive in germ-infested areas such as carpeting, fixtures, doorknobs and handles, office equipment, and bathrooms. Did you know an average employee touches around 300 surfaces in every 30 minutes? one contaminated hotspot area spread to almost 50% of the employees and surfaces within the office in four to five hours! There can be up to 100% reduction in bacteria after conducting an office disinfection service. Every company wants healthy employees and a clean workplace. As an employer, you can take the help of a reliable office cleaning service in Atlanta that brings particular attention to keeping the hot spot areas clean and well protected.

Carpets or rugs or upholstery: Clean carpets, rugs, and upholstery furniture may make a commercial space feel more inviting &welcoming. But such beautiful elements are home to millions of germs and allergens. Un-kept carpets, rugs, or upholstery furniture are breeding grounds for bacteria and germs. In addition, many common allergens such as pollen, fungi, chemicals, tars, and residues can also be found in office carpets and rugs. An easy remedy to keep these germs at bay is scheduling a regular cleaning with professional office cleaning services in Atlanta. Apart from vacuuming daily, getting it cleaned professionally will make a significant impact on your carpet’s appearance and cleanliness.

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High-touch areas: Do you know the average office desk has more bacteria than a toilet seat? More than ten million bacteria reside on your office desks. It is 100 times more than on the middle toilet seat. Computer keyboards, handsets, and office furniture can quickly become unsanitary with regular use. It multiplies the bacteria every day if proper office disinfection services for the surface are not arranged. To eliminate bacteria from the source, professional office disinfection services in Atlanta use high-quality commercial cleaning supplies. They wipe down high-touch points such as desktops, monitors, keyboards, computer mice, and phones with proper disinfectants to kill the bacteria in the workspace.

Germs spread from the restroom: One of the most prominent areas where germs are present is in the restroom. The restrooms in the offices are known to contain many bacteria and germs that can be spread easily. The daily usage throughout the day increases its circulation. Adequate commercial-grade cleaning supplies and skilled cleaning hand is good enough to make the restroom or bathroom, or kitchen remain germ-free. The expert office cleaning services in Atlanta are trained to wipe down all surfaces properly.

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To keep germs in check and avoid illness, encourage employees to clean their workspaces often. While it is impossible to wipe down every surface you touch, hand sanitizer can help killing the bacteria in your workspace. In addition, scheduling professional office disinfection services in Atlanta is good enough to keep the office space looking bright and germ-free.

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This article is written by TruShine Services- A leading cleaning company that offers multiple commercial cleaning & disinfecting services under one roof!