With its breeze-shaved scene, honeycomb tombs and quiet gulches favored by overlooked divine beings, the old city of Petra grasps humankind’s history on an epic scale. The broadness of the site, which is sprinkled over various mountains, got to through thin space ravines and stretches across dry stream beds, which implies a visit to Petra requests time.
Most guests permit in any event two days to do it equity – one day to get to know the key landmarks and a subsequent day to luxuriate in the greatness of this world miracle. Does that imply that those on a tighter timetable should give it a miss? It is not so. With 24 hours at hand, it is possible to plan the trip if you are with the best tour operator having experience in organizing Petra tours. Let us see how.

Dawn in the Siq
Start at 6 AM with a lively downhill walk towards the Siq. Too soon for the pony handlers, the way hushes up during this season of the day with just the intermittent desert songbird offering a voice to the first light. Dawn carries with it the trace of the miracles to come, with squares speaking to old divine beings to one side and tombs to one side. You at that point switch into semi-haziness as the way crawls into the thin defile known as the Siq.
10 AM at the Treasury
Portrayed in each manual deserving at least moderate respect, the minute when the way through the Siq slides into daylight before the Treasury is one of the characterizing encounters in Petra. The play of light on the nectar-shaded exterior diverges from the agonizing despair of the entry through the Siq. As the sun gradually streams down the Treasury sections, it illuminates various subtleties – a cut capital, the developers’ decent footings in the precipice face, camels framed in over the top uniform on the sandy forecourt.
Early in the day on Main Street
After the Treasury, the way widens into a wide hall of sandstone, flanked on either side by the tombs that portray the whole site. Thought for quite a long time to be a necropolis, Petra filled in as the center of the fleeting however affluent Nabataean domain, the impact of which was felt over the district between 100 BC and Promotion 300.
High noon in high places
In Petra, the high purposes of the city were viewed as heavenly, and everywhere throughout the site processional advances lead from the wadi base to levels on the bluffs. You can reach one of the most noteworthy of these high places using a stairway close to the theater that prompts two monoliths cut out of the stone and a stage probably utilized for conciliatory purposes.
Lunch by the Basin
The Bedouin of Petra once lived inside the antiquated city however were migrated during the 1980s. This has not halted the Bdoul tribes’ people flooding once more into their old frequents every day, carrying with them the creatures that speak to their work. Some have set up slows down in the downtown area, close to the region known as the Bowl, selling trinkets, bites and chi nana to Petra’s numerous guests. Eating at one of these slows down offers a kind of contemporary life in Petra while assisting with reestablishing vitality for the move ahead.
Mid-evening at the Monastery
Your visit to Petra is not finished without visiting the monastery, the first reason for which stays a riddle. From the Basin, you can reach this amazing building with its particular crown through an endured staircase of 800 stages. Reach there by mid-afternoon along with your guide.
Royal Tombs: grand in red
Enticing however it is to wait at the Monastery; nightfall is best held for the Illustrious Tombs. Sitting on one of these grunting brutes as they cushion along the primary lane gives the best vantage purpose of the Royal Tombs as they liquefy into fluid gold in the setting sun.
Down again after dull, or late drinks in the Cavern Bar
Guests must leave Petra before dark thus you must leave before that An increasingly peaceful approach to finish up your day at Petra is to stop at the Cavern Bar and wait to see Petra By Night.

About the author
When you are with Go Jordan Travel and Tourism, their guides will help you to complete a tour to Petra in a day and to understand the significance of the place. Call at +962-795-582783 to book your place on such a tour.