The Necessities of Using Purging Material


Purging Material

It is wise to know about the necessity of using a purging compound rather than anything else to purge injection moulding or blow moulding machines.

Though for some time purging materials has gained popularity, there are still companies that use DIY solutions or methods to purge when they require to change colours or materials. The obvious fallout of such endeavours is not the best. The process may be creative but the way is an ineffective method to purge. The best way out is to use purging material from reputed manufacturers. The cleaning will be of the best quality and there will be no chance of having any problems from contaminations of carbon development.

Let us see why it is wise to use the purging compound of reputed make.

Reduction of scrap 

It is possible to entirely clear out the last production resins and colours used and decrease the amount of waste if you use the best quality purging items. Having such a clean machine will help to enhance the productivity and efficiency of your production line.

Reduction of downtime 

It is possible to reduce downtime when you use the best purging materials in your factory. It will completely clean the machine and as you do not have to wait for a clear output, there will be no downtime. It is ideal to purge the machines on Friday night before the weekend stopover so that on Monday morning you have a fresh and clean machine to start work.

Elimination of contamination 

During production changeover, it is possible to totally eliminate carbon residues, colour steaks and gels if you use the best purging material. It will reduce the rejection rate and avoid annoying stops during production peak hours. If you use any DIY solutions, it will not be possible to have such removal and all your efforts to have a nonstop production will go down the drain.

Avoid screw pulls 

If you do not regularly purge the machines, it will lead to a more difficult job of pulling out the screw and doing a manual cleaning. It can be said without a doubt that manual cleaning will not be as effective as cleaning using a purging compound. The process of manual cleaning is also time-consuming if compared with purging using chemical cleaning items.

Removal of contaminations from hot runners 

If there are persistent colour residues inside the hot runners, it takes much time to clean during injection moulding changeovers. There is the possibility of having purging compounds that you can use satisfactorily through the mould. You can have samples of such purging items from reputed manufacturers to determine which will be ideal in your case.

Reduction of rejection rate 

You can reduce the rejection of products by your quality team or by clients if your purge the machines properly during material or colour changeover or after a long shutdown.

About the author

If you desire to have the best quality purging compound for plastic and enjoy the above benefits, it is wise to contact UNICLEANPLUS. They have the capacity to deliver the best cleaning items. Call them at +91 9021232809 to place your bulk order or to request free samples.