Apollo ATVs are four-wheeled motorized vehicles with massive, low-pressure tires designed for off-road use by a single operator. Some of the latest models have four wheels and are designed to transport a large number of people. These adventure powersports vehicles come in a variety of sizes. It may come with a 50 cc to over 700 cc engine displacement capacity. Its weight can be over 300 kg (661 lbs) and are capable of reaching significant speeds. 

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are widely used in the USA for recreation, transportation, and occupations such as farming. Unfortunately, motorized powersports vehicles are dangerous when used by people who lack the knowledge, physical size, & motor skills to operate them safely. The magnitude of injury & its related risk to young riders is reflected in explicit vehicle manual warnings.

Apollo ATVs has endorsed a voluntary standard that recommends youth-sized vehicles for different age ranges. It introduces Apollo ATV models classified according to their engine size and maximum speed capabilities. These designations have changed recently. An ATV with a 90 ccs engine size is suitable for youth of 16 years. It also has ATV models with an engine size of 70 ccs for children 12 years of age. They’ve also been providing Apollo ATV versions for 9+ year kids as well. It comes with a factory-set & it has a maximum speed of 16 km per hour. But it can be adjusted to attain a top speed of 24 kph. The Apollo ATV models for 12+ years come with a factory-set maximum speed of 24 kph. It can be adjusted to reach a total rate of 48 kph. Some Apollo ATV models are designed for riders aged 14 and older. They come with a factory-set maximum speed of 32 kph that can be adjusted to reach a top speed of 61 kph. As per manufacturers’ standards, the Apollo ATVs vehicles carry warning labels. It explicitly indicates the age limit for use, the mandatory adult supervision, and warning for kids’ riders. The purpose is to keep the rider safe from severe injury or death!

Unsafe riding, unsupervised ride, and driving with passengers are every day. The warning labels on current models and evidenced by the significant number of hospitalizations and casualties due to ATV-related trauma. Emphasis must be given to safety riding rather than the risks of significant injury to children and youth or other ATV-related injuries or fatalities continue to occur. You should take the necessary precautions to achieve a significant reduction in injuries. It will restrict ridership by young operators, especially those younger than 16 years of age. Adequate precaution is critical to reducing the burden of ATV-related trauma in riders, including children and youth. 


A number of factors have been linked to an increased incidence and severity of ATV-related injuries in children and adolescents. Follow the guidelines and decide which Apollo ATV is right for you or your kids. Are your kids capable of operating youth-sized Apollo ATV models? Keep in mind that such powersports vehicles are heavy and can travel at significant speeds. Use protective gear while riding the ATVs. Keeping the safety features in mind, the Apollo ATV manufacturers bring numerous improvements in vehicle design to avoid errors while riding.

Authors Bio

This article is written by Tx Power Sports Outlet- An Arlington, Tx based authorized Power Sports Dealer that deals with a wide range of powersports vehicles, including Apollo ATVs, Dirt Bikes, Go Karts, Utility Vehicles, and Street Legal Scooters & Street Bikes at the best price.

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