Radio communication, first developed at the beginning of the 20th century, remains a significant part of the technology landscape despite decades of scientific breakthroughs and innovation. Radios work by transmitting and receiving electromagnetic waves that move invisibly at the speed of light, carrying speech and music in a coded form that depends on the radio type used. Radio has evolved over the decades into many different types, each of which fulfills different requirements. If you are looking to buy radio online GTA, at Tek Inno Plus, we stock a wide variety of radios that come in different shapes, sizes, colors, styles, and prices.

This post will help you in finding the right one for your needs.


Analog radio consists of – AM and FM. Analog radio station frequently feeds only one transmitter and is referred to as an AM or FM station. But it is quite possible for a station to feed both transmitters in a single area, or more than one transmitter covering different areas.

AM radio uses the long-wave band that comes with frequencies that are fairly lower than the FM band, and have slightly different transmission features, better for broadcasting over long distances. They come with no frills and are intended to give users a solid audio experience. You can use both AM and FM signals to broadcast audio signals in the car, home, and moveable receivers.


Many radio signal providers are now using online streaming audio services to provide a simulated broadcast of their over-the-air signals to web listeners. You may also enjoy additional audio streams that are re-purposed, time-shifted, and completely different from their on-air services. As no scarcity of bandwidth or obligation for licensing exists, you can get as many services as you wish. Web distribution is delivered to end-users by third-party telecommunication providers on a worldwide or nationwide basis.


You will find four standards for digital radio systems existing worldwide –

  1. IBOC (In-Band On-Channel)
  2. DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale)
  3. DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting)
  4. ISDB-TSB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-Terrestrial Sound Broadcasting)

All are different from each other taking various aspects.

  • IBOC

Analog and Digital are the two versions of the primary content that IBOC stations broadcast. So they are serving both legacy and new receivers using the same broadcast channel.

  • DAB

DAB comes with several benefits similar to IBOC. Both both are fundamentally different in their designs. But DAB cannot share a channel with an analog transmit, and hence, needs a new band. Today, there are improved versions of DAB have also been developed – DAB+ and DAB-IP. These developments improve the range of the DAB signal.

  • DRM

DRM is a substitute for AM international broadcasting in the short-wave band. It uses the similar channel as of the analog services, and with some limitations and charges to it. An enhanced version, known as DRM+ was developed in 2007 for the VHF band. This improvement presents two-channel and surround-sound capability.


This digital radio system is used for multiple program services. It uses transmission frequencies in the VHF band. One of its striking features is the interconnection of digital radio channels with ISDB digital TV channels in the same broadcast.

So, what are you waiting for? Decide your favorite and buy radio online GTA to tune into your most-loved radio channel without much delay! Visit Tekinno Plus to know more!

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